Downloads » Circulars
- Superannuation order in r/o Sh. Ratal Lal Bairwa, CTO and Sh. Rameshwar Prasad Chaturvedi, ACTO - reg.
- Order regarding Voluntary Retirement in r/o Dr. Surender Kumar Sankhyan, Principal Scientist w.e.f. 02.0.2025 (A/N) - reg
- Superannuation order in r/o Sh. Ahsan Ali, Sr. Technician - reg.
- Submission of Annual Immovable Property Return (AIPR) as on 31.12.2024 - reg
- स्वच्छ भारत अभियान के दौरान दिनांक 16.12.2024 से 31.12.2024 तक विभिन्न कार्यक्रमों का आयोजन I
- Pre Superannuation order of Sh. Ratan Lal Bairwa, CTO and Sh. Rameshwar Prasad Chaturvedi, ACTO - reg
- Transfer order of Miss Minakshi Meena, STO(Agronomy) from ARC, Bikaner to CSWRI Avikanagar - reg
- Appointment of Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Senior Scientist as Vigilance Officer - reg
- Inter Divisional/Sectional transfer order of Sh. Rahul Parmar, LDC - reg
- Promotion Order in r/o Technical Personnel of Category - I & II under Functional Group -I Field / Farm - reg.
- Promotion Order in r/o Technical Personnel of Category - I & II under Functional Group -II (Laboratory)
- Joining Sh. Anshul Sharma, Tech. Asstt.
- Inter Divisional / Sectional transfer order of Sh. Anshul Sharma, Technical Assistant - reg
- Relieving order of Sh. Parvesh Kumar, Sr. Technician w.e.f. 12.11.2024 (A/n) - reg
- Pre Superannuation order of Sh. Ahsan Ali, Sr. Technician - reg
- Posting order of Sh. Parikshit Kumar, Assistant - reg
- Corrigendum for joining in r/o Dr. Chandan Prakash, Sr. Scientist - reg
- Link officer to look after the additional duties and responsibilities of sections- reg.
- Posting order of Ms. Komal, Assistant - reg
- Rotational Transfer/reshuffling order of Administrative staff- reg
- Retirement order of Sh. P. Subramani, Skilled Support Staff, CSWRI-SRRC Mannavanur - reg
- Observation of Vigilance Awareness Week - 2024 - reg
- Additional duties and responsibilities in In- charge(s) - reg.
- Joining order in r/o Sh. Parikshit Kumar to the post of Assistant under Direct Recruitment quota at ICAR-CSWRI (HQ), Avikanagar- reg
- Constitution of the internal screening committee under FR 56 and Rule 42 of CCS (pension), 2021
- Constitution of the review committee under FR 56 and Rule 42 of CCS (pension), 2021
- Link officer to look after the additional duties and responsibilities of Head of Finance/ CF&AO - reg
- Posting order of Sh. Madan Lal Sharma, Assistant - reg
- Cirulars of medical reimbursement claim
- Joining order of Dr. Chandan Prakash, Sr. Scientist- reg.
- Joining order in r/o Miss Komal to the post of Assistant under Direct Recruitment quota at ICAR-CSWRI (HQ), Avikanagar- reg
- Joining order of Sh. Sudhansh Kumar to the post of Assistant at CSWRI, Avikanagar - reg
- Circulars for reimbursement of cost newspaper
- Implementation of paperless processing in respect of services provided through eHRMS 2.0 platform
- Filling up various vacant posts of Technical Assistant (T-3) Category-II through Inter-Istitutional Transfer on permanent absorption basis at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar - reg
- Joining order in r/o Shri Madan Lal Sharma to the post of Assistant under Direct Recruitment quota at ICAR-CSWRI (HQ), Avikanagar- reg
- Posting order of Shri Akshay Sharma, Assistant- reg.
- Posting order of Shri Praveen Singh, Assistant- reg.
- Reliving order of sh Pillu Mina, Technical Assistant- reg.
- Appointment order of Sh. Vijay Meena to the post of MTS (SSS) - reg
- Extension order of Sh. Lalit Kumar Soni- reg
- Joining order of Miss Meenakshi Meena, STO (T-6) (Agronomy) w.e.f. 19.06.2024 - reg
- Revisied renumration of Medical Officer (On Contractual Basis)
- Endorsement of Comprehensive Guidelines for the Foreign Visits of the Scientists/Officials of ICAR issued on 2nd April, 2024-Partial modification thereof
- Pre Superannuation order of Sh. P. Subramani, Skilled Supporting Staff, SRRC Manavannur - reg
- Order for promotion of Sh. Hanuman Sahay Meena, LDC to the post of UDC under LDCE quota -reg.
- Relieving order of Sh. Sunil Kumar, Technical Assistant (Farm Engg) - reg
- Relieving order of Dr. A.S. Rajendiran, Pr. Scientist
- Joining order of Sh. Gotam Chopra, STO - reg
- Joining order of Sh. Om Prakash Choudhary, STO - reg
- अविपुंज 2024 के सत्रहवें अंक के प्रकाशन हेतु संपादक मण्डल का पुनर्गठन ।
- Constitution of Tender opening & Evaluation committee- reg
- Constitution of technical expert committee (Scientific Equipment)- reg
- Inter Divisional/Sectional tranfser of Sh. Anshul Sharma, Technical Assistant - reg
- Joining order of Dr. Ghous Ali, Scientist (Agronomy), ARC, Bikaner
- Pre-superannuation order in r/o Dr. Ramesh Chander Sharma, PS --reg.
- Transfer order of Sh. Pawan Kumar Mahour, STA from CSWRI Avikanagar to NTRS Garsa - reg
- Voluntary Retirement (VRS) order in r/o Sh. Rajender Kumar, Sr. Technician (ICAR-CSWRI-NTRS, Garsa) w.e.f. 31.05.2024 (A/N)- reg
- joining of undergo one-year on-the-job training as “Technical Trainee”
- Reimbersment of tution fee under CEAS FY 2023-24
- Regarding - joining of undergo one-year on-the-job training as “Technical Trainees”
- Nomination of liaison officer for EWS and Ex-Serviceman
- Voluntary Retirement from the Council's service (VRS) Acceptance Order in r/o Shri Rajender Kumar, Senior Technician (Lab.) - reg
- Joining order of Dr. Pallavi Chauhan, Scientist (Vety Medicine), ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar after completion of PAT at ICAR-CIRG
- अविपुंज 2024 पत्रिका में प्रकाशित करने हेतु लेख/सामग्री भेजने के संबंध में।
- Constitution of various Institute Based Committees (I.B.C.) - reg
- Posting order of Shri Bhupender Singh Gurjar, F&AO and additional duties & responsibilities of Finance & Account Wing in absence of the CF&AO and the F&AO - reg
- Office closure circular on Voting Day i.e. 26/04/2026- reg
- Joining order of Shri Bhupender Gurjar, FAO- reg.
- Order of resumption of duty after study leave in respect of Dr. Ranjeet Singh Godara, Scientist (LPM) - reg
- Transfer oreder of Dr. A.S. Rajendiran, Pr. Scientist - reg
- Transfer order of technical personnel- regarding
- Promotion Order of Dr. Thirumaran SMK, Scientist - reg
- Promotion order of Dr. Leela Ram Gurjar, Sr. Scientist - reg
- Extension of the last date of receipt of Application for filling up the Post of Assistant (on deputation basis) at ICAR-CCARI, Goa-reg
- Guidelines for applying/sanction of Leave in eHRMS 2.0 - reg
- Joining order in respect of Dr. Ralte, Scientist
- Joining order of YP-II under NTTM Project- regd
- order for Granting of Financial upgradation under MACPS to Assistants-reg.
- Order for Granting of Financial upgradation under MACPS to SSS category-reg.
- Circular for onboarding on eHRMS-2.0
- Circular for seeking Options under CCS (Implementation of NPS) Rules, 2021 - regarding
- Office order for revised sale price of different research products prepared in Animal Nutrition Division Reg.
- order for welfare officer of this institute -reg.
- Constitution of committee for examine and recommend applications for higher studies - reg
- Nodal Officer mSeva AppStore in DARE/ICAR
- celebration of Republic Day, 2024
- Felicitation wrt completion of 25 Years of ICAR Service- reg
- Celebration of 75th Republic Day- reg
- NIC domain email ID (@icar.org.in) - reg
- Resignation Office Order r/o Dr. Priyanka Meena, Scientist (LPT) - reg
- Joining order of Sh. Ram Bahadur to the post of LDC w.e.f 01.01.2024- reg.
- Transfer/Posting of Administrative Staff - reg
- Joining report after completion of Professional Attachment Training (PAT) in r/o Dr. Saravanan K.A., Scientist - reg
- Promotion order of Sh. Ram Bahadur, SSS to the post of LDC - reg
- Superannuation order of Dr. FA Khan, PS and Sh. RK Jain, Assistant - reg.
- Joining of Dr. Priyanka Meena, Scientist (LPT) in r/o Professional Attachment Training (Phase-III) - reg
- Revision of emoluments of YP-I & YP-II regarding.
- Functioning arrangements of Estate Section- Regarding
- merit promotion order of technical personnel
- Order of granting NPA to Dr.Priyanka Meena, Scientist (LPT) -reg
- constitution day on 26/11/2023
- Holidays to be observed in CSWRI, Avikanagar during Calendar Year 2024 - reg.
- Joining order in respect of Sh. Pappu Meena, at post of AAO - reg.
- Relieving Order in Respect of Dr. Vanlalngilneii ralte, Scientist
- Order of reconstitution of Screening committee for foreign training/deputation/scholarship abroad etc
- Statement of Total marks as obtained by the candidates in the written part as well as service evaluation part of the LDCE - 2023 - reg
- Promotion order of Assistant Administrative Officer
- iGoT Platform of Mission Karmayogi, GOI.-reg.
- Merit promotion order in r/o Sh. G. Murli - reg
- 03 months Professional Attachment Training (PAT) in r/o Dr Vanlalngilneii Ralte, Scientist - reg
- Order of Orientation and PAT training in r/o Dr Pallavi Chauhan, Scientist
- VRS order in r/o Sh. R.D. Prasad, Technical Officer - reg
- Retirement Order in r/o Sh. Balvir Singh Sahu, CTO-reg.
- Granting of NPA in r/o Dr. Saravanan KA, Scientist (AGB)
- Revise of promotion order of Sh. Pillu Mina, Technical Assistant
- Pre-Superannuation Order in r/o Dr. F.A. Khan, Pri. Scientist and Sh. R.K. Jain, Assistant - reg
- 03 months professional attachment training in r/o Dr. Priyanka Meena - reg
- Relieving order of Dr. Raghvendar Singh, Principal Scientist & Head (A) - reg
- Incharge of Animal Physiology and Biochemistry Division - reg
- Merit promotion / Assessment benefit in r/o Technical Personnels - reg
- Nomination of Social Media Nodal Officer - reg
- Relieving order of Sh. Pappu Meena, Assistant - reg.
- Relieving of Dr.Saravanan K.A., Scientist for PAT
- PAT training of Dr.Priyanka Meena,, Scientist (LPT)
- Professional Attachment Training in r/o Dr. Saravanan KA - reg
- Promotion order of Technical Personnel's - reg
- Pre-Retirement Order in r/o Sh. Balvir Singh Sahu, CTO
- Superannuation order of Sh. Laxmi Kant Kashyap, Assistant - reg
- 03 Months professional attachment training of Dr. Saravanan K A - reg
- Revised rates of book value for write off purpose only
of Dumba sheep
- Promotion order of Technical Personnel's - reg
- Relieving order of Dr. Vijay Kumar, Principal Scientist - reg
- Transfer order of administrative personnel - reg.
- Office order in respect of Dr.Vijay Kumar, Pr.Scientist
- Relaxation in time limit for submission of Appraisal by Reviewing Officer onSPARROW for APAR of the year 2022-23 in respect of Administrative, Technical & SSScategory
- Relaxation in time limit for submission of Appraisal by Reviewing Officer onSPARROW for APAR of the year 2022-23 in respect of Administrative, Technical & SSScategory
- Circular regarding submission of outside post applications in time
- Regarding Har Ghar Tiranga and Meri Maati Mera Desh Campaign
- Implementation of SPARROW Module
- Celebration of Independence Day, 2023- regd
- Completion of 25 year of service -reg.
- Superannuation order of Sh. Ved Prakash Singh, Sh. Shivji Ram Jat and Sh. Bhanwar Singh - reg
- Transfer order of technical personnel
- Joining and Posting Order of Dr. Priyanka Meena, Scientist (LPM) - reg
- Order for regular DDO and substitute arrangement in absence of DDO reg.
- Joining and posting order of Dr.Saravanan K A, Scientist (AG&B)
- Joining Orderof Dr.G.Nagarajan, Sr.Scientist (Animal Biotechnology)
- ENDORSEMENT Earned leave encashment maximum limit Notification No. 3112023 of Central Board of Direct Taxes - reg.
Endorsement Notification No. 3112023 of Central Board of Direct Taxes - reg.
- Annual rate contract for whitewash/Paint/Colour works in the residential and other buildings of the Institute.
- Transfer order of Scientific Personnels - reg
- Pre-Retirement Order in r/o Sh. L.K. Kashyap
- Circular regarding file movement
- Joining order of Dr. R. Pourouchottamane to the post of Head, NTRS Garsa- reg
- Joining order of Head, Animal Health Division - reg
- Nomination Recevied on Dated 21.06.2023 4:00 P.M. for IJSC Election 2023
- Modified Schedule of IJSC election 2023-reg
- NPA order in respect of Dr. Pallavi Chauhan, Scientist
- Commencement of IJSC Election 2023-reg.
- Organisation of Health Camp & Health Talk- reg.
- Pay fixation order in respect of Dr. Pallavi Chauhan, Scientist
- Transfer order of Sh. Ratan Lal Bairwa, CTO - reg.
- joining order in respect of Dr Pallavi Chauhan, Scientist
- Partially changed in Intra Institutional Transfer of Technical Personnel - reg
- संस्थान परिसर में स्थित शॉपिंग कॉम्प्लेक्स में आवंटित दुकाने रात्रि 09 बजे के बाद खुली पाई जाने के क्रम में
- Intra Institutional Transfer of Technical Personnel - reg
- Inter Divisional/Sectional transfer of Technical Personnel - reg.
- Improving and streamlining the working of Estate Section - reg
- Pre-superannuation order of Sh. Ved Prakash Singh, CTO, Sh. Shivji Ram Jat, AAO, Shri Bhanwar Singh, ST - reg
- Appointment of Dr. Ramavtar Legha to the post of Head, CSWRI-ARC, Bikaner - reg.
- Duties of Director (I/c) in absence of regular director due to being on any kind of leave or official tour etc - reg
- Pay fixation order of Dr. Vanlalngilneii Ralte, Scientist (Animal Physiology) - reg
- Joining order of Dr. (Mrs.) Vanlalngilneii Ralte, Scientist - reg
- Constitution of TSP Committee- reg.
- संस्थान के अतिथिगृह अविकागनर, सब-ऑफिस-कम अतिथिगृह जयपुर, स्नाकोत्तर छाात्रावास व किसान हाॅस्टल में दिए जाने वाले भोजन व नास्तें की दरों में संशोधन करने बाबत्।
- Implementation of SPARROW Module-2023
- Physical Verification of store for the year 2022-2023.
- Order for Granting the Financial up-gradation under MACPS to Administrative staff--reg
- Granting of Financial upgradation under MACPS to Sh. Saitan Meena, SSS -reg.
- Granting of Financial upgradation under MACPS to SSS category-reg.
- Duties and responsibilities as In-charge Head, Animal Nutrition Division - reg
- Seeking of prior permission for Special Casual Leave (SCL) for attending interview at ASRB-reg
- Online generation, filling up and submission of Annual performance Assessment Report (APAR) for the year 2022-23 on SPARROW (Smart Appraisal Report Recording Online Window) for all Scientific personnel of ICAR - reg.
- Superannuation order of Sh. Babu Lal Meena, TO & Sh. Badri Lal, SSS reg
- Duties and responsibilities of of Director (I/c) in absence of regular director - reg
- Implementation of SPARROW Module
- Joining and Posting order of Dr. S.K. Sankhyanm, Principal Scientist - reg
- Joining and posting order of Dr. Om Hari Chaturvedi, Principal Scientist - reg
- Inter division transfer of Shri Ram Prasad / Jagdish, SSS
- Duties and responsibilities of In-charge Head, NTRS, Garsa - reg
- Transfer order of Dr. Om Hari Chaturvedi, Principal Scientist & Head (A) - reg
- Superannuation order of Sh. Mahendra Singh Ghintala, TO - reg
- Implementation of NPA at revised rates - reg
- Pre-Superannuation Order in r/o Sh. Babu Lal Meena, TO (Jeep Driver) & Sh. Badri, SSS --reg.
- Superannuation order of Sh. Mool Chand, SSS - reg
- Additional Charge of I/c F&AO - reg
- Responsibility of Head of Audit & Accounts Wings
- Joining order of SH. Raj Kumar, Chief Finance & Accounts Officer - reg
- Organization of Free Medical Health Check-up & Consultation Camp- regd
- Introduction of short duration protocol Yoga Break ( Y-Break) for people at work places- regd
- Office Order with respect to observance of International Year of Millets, 2023- regd
- Nomination of Public Relation Officer of ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar- regd
- Regarding - Nominated of Link Officer.
- Observation of Martyrs Day- regd
- Celebration of 74th Republic day on 26.01.2023- reg.
- Completion of 25 year of service -reg.
- Joining acceptance order in respect of Sh Seiko Jose, Scietnist
- Posting of Dr Srishti Soni, STO
- Joining order of Dr. Srishti Soni to the post of Senior Technical Officer (T-6) (Veterinary Medicine) at ICAR-CSWRI Avikanagar - reg
- Superannuation Order of Sh. Madan Lal Dhanka, SSS - reg
- Celebration of 62st Foundation Day of ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar- regd
- organising of human health camp- regd
- Merit promotion/assessment benefit in respect of Technical Personnel of Category –III under Group - I (Field/Farm) - reg
- Pre-Superannuation Order in r/o Sh. Mool Chand,SSS & Sh. M.S. Ghintala, TO --reg.
- Regarding "Swachhta Campaign" at the Institute.
- Swachha Bharat Abhiyan revised committee & organizing Swachhta Pakhwada- regd
- Recruitment work deal by Admin.I section- reg
- List of Gazetted Holidays / Restricted Holidays for the Calendar Year 2023 in eng - reg
- List of Gazetted Holidays / Restricted Holidays for the Calendar Year 2023 in hindi - reg
- Superannuation order of Sh. Bheem Singh, Technical Officer - reg
- Revised criteria for selection of SRFs/JRFs/YPs- regd
- Pay Fixation of Ex- Skilled Support Staff - reg
- substitute arrangement in absence of DDO/FAO
- Giving the charge of Head (Acting) to Dr. Raghvendar Singh - reg
- अविपुंज 2022 के पंद्रहवें अंक के प्रकाशन हेतु संपादक मण्डल का पुनर्गठन ।
- अविपुंज 2022 पत्रिका में प्रकाशित करने हेतु लेख/सामग्री भेजने के संबंध में।
- Incharge Security Section - reg
- Assign the additional duties & responsibilities as Incharge Guest House Avikanagar - reg
- Assign the additional responsibility of overall coordinator for accommodation facilities under CSWRI - reg
- Interim arrangement of Director in absence of regular Director - reg
- Posting Order of Shri Hanuman Sahai Meena, LDC
- GeM पोर्टल पर खरीद के लिए अपनाई जाने वाली प्रक्रिया के संबंध मे |
- Charge of Animal Physiology & Bio Chemistry -Division - reg
- 5 Days working week in this Institute w.e.f. 01.10.2022 with working days from Monday to Friday - reg
- Instruction on booking of Air Tickets on Government Account in respect of Leave Travel Concession(LTC)-regard
- Pre-Superannuation Order in r/o Sh. Bheem Singh, technical Officer and SH. Madan Lal Dhanka, SSS - reg
- merit Promotion of Scientist of CSWRI, Avikanagar-Reg.
- MACP order in respect of Ex-Skilled Supporting Staff
- Merit promotion/Assessment benefit in r/o Technical Personnel - reg
- Promotion / Assessment benefit in r/o Technical Personnel - reg
- Superannuation Order - reg
- reimbursement in respect of Tuition Fee for the year 2022-23 to officers -reg.
- Office Order of reporting the duties at CSWRI in respect of Sh. C. L. Meena, SSS - regarding
- Relieving order in Respect of Sh. Navin Kumar Yadav, AD (OL) -Reg.
- responsibilities of In- charge Hindi Cell and Library- Reg.
- मुख्य संस्थान अविकानगर में जॉब कोन्ट्रेक्ट के आधार पर उपलब्ध मेनपावर की दरों में संसोधन के क्रम में |
- Merit promotion/Assessment benefit in r/o Technical Personnel - reg
- Office order of Incharge, Shearing Unit
- Relieving Order of Dr. Sekhar Das, Scientist - reg
- Relieving order of Dr. A.K. Patel - reg
- Incharge, ATIC & PI , ABIC - reg
- HAR GHAR TIRANGA ABHIYAAN / हर घर तिरंगा अभियान- reg.
- Celebration of Independence Day on 15.08.2022 - reg
- Regarding Type 4 Quarter allotment
- 8th National Handloom Day on 7th August, 2022-regarding
- Career Advance Schemes for ARS Scientists - reg
- Organizing of Human Health Camp- regd
- International Women's Day (Nari Shakti Puraskar ) - Regarding
- Joining order in r/o Sh. Manish Badola, AAO
- Joining Order of Sh. Bhim Singh, Administrative Officer - reg
- Joining Order of Sh. K.B. Bairwa, Administrative Officer - reg
- Superannuation Order Hindi- reg
- Superannuation Order English- reg
- Reconstitute the Screening Committee/Institute's Deputation Committee - reg
- Internal shifting of staff member reg
- Restructuring of administrative wings reg
- O.P.D. reimbursement claim of ICAR pensions registered with CSWRI's Human Dispensary for the purpose- Reg
- अनुकंपा के आधार पर नियुक्ति प्राप्त करने हेतु आवेदकों / आवेदनों की सापेक्ष योग्यता / पात्रता का मूल्यांकन करने के लिए 100 अंकों का पैमाना अपनाये जाने बाबत।
- circular for additional duties at garsa reg
- reimbursement in respect of Tuition Fee for the year 2021-22 to officers -reg.
- Pay fixation of Ex-SSS who retired or died between Jan, 2006 to Aug, 2008 - reg
- अवकाश लेने के क्रम मे केन्द्रीय सिविल सेवा (अवकाश) नियमावली, 1972 के प्रावधानों की पालना करने के बाबत
- श्री मनोज कुमार शर्मा, सहायक मुख्य तकनीकी अधिकारी को आहरण एव सवितरण अधिकारी मनोनीत किया
- Interim arrangement of director in absence of regular director
- Relieving of Sh.Ranjeet Singh, ACTO from ICAR service after attaining age of superannuation-reg.
- Relieving order of Sh. Aman Deep Punia, Assistant from ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Observance of Anti-terrorism Day on 21.05.2022- reg
- अविपुंज 2022 पत्रिका में प्रकाशित करने हेतु लेख/सामग्री भेजने के संबंध में।
- अविपुंज के पंद्रहवें अंक के प्रकाशन हेतु संपादक मण्डल का गठन ।
- Joining order of Sh. Pradeep Kulhari, Assistant - reg
- reimbursement in respect of Tuition Fee for the year 2021-22 to officers -reg.
- Retirement order in respect of Sh. Ranjeet Singh, ACTO--reg.
- Routine duties related to Guest House Jaipur - reg
- Relieving of Dr.H.K.Narula, Pr.Scientist from ICAR-CSWRI, Avikangar
- reimbursement in respect of Tuition Fee for the year 2021-22 to officers -reg.
- Posting order of Dr.S.M.K. Thirumaran, Scientist (AG&B)
- Assignment of duties and responsibilities of OIC, SRRC, Mannavanur
- Relieving order Sh.Manish Badola, AAO -reg
- Nomination of CPIO, APIO, DPIO etc.
- Relieving order of Dr.S.R.Sharma, Pr.Scientist
- Incharge Head ARC Bikaner - reg
- Posting order of Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Patel, Pri. Scientist (LPM) - reg
- Transfer of Administrative Staff Shri Manish Badola, Asstt. Administrative Officer.
- eimbursement in respect of Newspapers purchased/supplied to officers at their residence-reg.
- Posting order of Dr.A.S.Rajendiran, Pr.Scientist
- Duties of In-charge Head, Animal Health Division - reg
- In-charge AKMU - reg
- In-charge Human Dispensary Avikanagar - reg
- Joining report of Sh. Indra Bhushan Kumar, Chief Administrative Officer
- संस्थान के अतिथिगृह अविकानगर की आन्तरिक सुरक्षा व हाऊस किपिंग से सम्बन्धित कार्य के अनुबन्ध/जॉब कोन्ट्रेक्ट के माध्यम से सम्पन्न करवाने बाबत्।
- Posting order of Technical Staff- reg.
- Training for Implementation of SPARROW Module
- Additional Duties and responsibilities to Sh. Sunil Saini, Technician - reg
- Posting order of Shri Lokesh Meena, Technician
- IJSC Official side members nominated by the director
- Promotion order of Shri R K Meena, TO
- Relieving order of Dr.Chandan Prakash, Scientist
- Posting order of scientific staff
- Relieving Order of Sh. Suresh Kumar, CAO - reg
- Transfer order of Scientific Staff from SRRC Mannavanur to CSWRI, Avikanagar - reg
- Duties and Responsibilities of Head of Office and Others
- Posting Order of Technical Personnel's - reg.
- Office Order of MACP in r/o Sh. Roop Singh, Assistant - Reg
- Office order for promotion of scientific staff at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Joining of Shri Sunil Kumar Laddha, Technical Assistant
- Joining order of Technical Personnel
- Joining of Shri Lokesh Meena, Technician
- reg- new order for jaipur guest house.
- Preventive Measures to contain the spread of novel coronavirus (Covid-19-attendance of central government officials - reg.
- Shifting Order of Sri Rajesh, TA
- Preventive Measures to contain the spread of novel corona virus (Covid-19)-suspension of bio metric attendance and central government employees' attendance thereof
- Guidelines for appointment and renewal of Authorised Medical Attendants (AMAs).
- Superannuation Order of Sh. K.K. Prasad, ACTO - reg
- Additional duties & responsibilities as Incharge, Purchase & Store Section in absence of regular incharge - reg
- मुख्य संस्थान अविकानगर हेतु जॉब कोंट्रेक्ट के आधार पर मेनपावर उपलब्ध कराने का कार्य अनुबन्ध की अवधि बढानें के क्रम मे।
- Celebration of Republic day - REG.
- संस्थान मे अनुकम्पा के आधार पर नियुक्ति के प्राप्त प्राथर्ना पत्रो की संशोधित सूची
- Circular for Corona Virus and Omicrom - reg.
- OFFICE ORDER regarding rapid increase in COVID-19 and Omicron cases
- सभी अधिकारियों/ कर्मचारियों के परिवार चिकित्सा घोषणा पत्र की प्रति
- Incharge Vehicle & Workshop Section - reg
- AIPR Form for Annual Return for the year 2021 (1-1-21 to 31-12-2021) - reg.
- list of the applicants of deceased employees for appointment on compassionate ground - reg
- हिन्दी में टिप्पण/आलेखन के लिये प्रविष्टियों का आमंत्रण ।
- Shri M. K. Sharma, AAO post in Audit & Accounts Section- regarding
- Nominate as Nodal Officer, ITM Unit to Dr. Arvind, Scientist (LPT) - regarding
- Inter Divisional/Sectional transfer of Technical Personnel- regarding
- Regarding "Swachhta Campaign" at the Institute.
- List of Gazetted and Restricted Holidays for the year 2022 - reg
- Competition on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav reg.
- Reimbursement of cancellation/reschedule charges for air/traintickets booked for the purpose of LTC and repayment of LTC advance due toCovid-19 pandemic – reg.
- List of Gazetted and Restricted Holidays for the year 2022 - reg
- Procurment of Goods/Services through Government e-Marketplace (Gem)
- Award of merit promotion order of Late Shri Toofan, Ex T-I-3.
- Promotion order of Assistants to the post of Assistant Administrative Officer - reg
- Posting order of Dr.Ranjeet Singh Godara, Scientist (LPM)
- Nomination of Liaison Officer for SC/ST, Persons with Disabilities and OBC
- Relieving Order of Sh. Chhuttan Lal Meena, AF&AO
- Routine duties & responsibilities of I/c Audit & Accounts Section
- Advance Increment order of Dr Vimal Mehrotra, Ex-CTO
- Relieving Oder of Sh. R P Verma, A.A.O.
- Merit Promotion order of Shri Babu Lal Meena
- Merit Promotion order of Shri Ashok Kumar
- Merit promotion order of Shri Khustar Ali
- merit Promotion order of Shri Lotam Chand
- Grant of Financial upgradation under MACPS to Shri Prahalad, SSS
- Endorsement of promotion order in respect of Dr.Vijay Kumar, Pr.Scientist
- Assigned the additional duties of I/c Store Section
- Relieving Oder of Sh. K. B. Bairwa, A.A.O.
- Reg. Biometric Machine
- Endorsement from ICAR reg. APARs.
- हिन्दी पखवाड़ा समारोह 2021 के दोरान विजयी प्रतिभागियों की सूची
- Joining order of Dr.Ranjeet Singh Godara, Scientist (LPM)
- Biometric Attendance - reg
- Promotion order of Sh. Surendra Singh, Assistant - reg
- Grant of Financial upgradation under MACP to Shri Prahlad/Panchu, SSS
- For celebration of National Unity Day on 31.10.2021
- Covid guidelines upto 30-09-2021 – reg.
- relieving of Sh. Virendra Kumar Verma, Personal Assistant on VRS
- Reliving order of Dr. Arpoita Mohapatra, Scientist
- Reliving order of Dr.N Shanmugam, Pr.Scientist
- relieving order in respect of Dr Jagveera Pandian, Sr.Scientist
- Duties & responsibilities as In-charge, Estate Section
- Seniority list of Assistants
- Office Order regarding Incharge, TMTC Division
- Endorsement of transfer order
- Work & Responsibilities of Incharge, AKMU
- Work & Responsibilities of Krishi Portal ICAR
- duties and responsibilities of I/c PME Cell
- charge of Sports Officer, CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Vigilance officer charge, ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Superannuation Order of employee on 31-10-2021- reg
- Endorsement from ICAR
- Guidelines for conducting written examination for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities – reg.
- CSWRI के कर्मचारियों /अधिकारियों एवं पेंशनर्स को CGHS दर पर सुविधा उपलब्ध कराने के क्रम मे ।
- Reg- Written test cum Interview on 12-07-2021
- Office order for Head (act.), NTRS, Garsa
- Transfer order of Dr. S. Jegaveera Pandian, Senior Scientist - reg
- V.R.S. office order of Sh. Virendra Kumar Verma, Personal Assistant
- हिन्दी पखवाड़ा 2021 के संबंध में
- Joining and posting order of Shri Harkesh Meena, CTO
- Joining and posting order of Smt. Hema Meena, Technical Assistant
- Joining and posting order of Shri Anshul Sharma, Technical Assistant
- kisan sarathi committee
- Duties and responsibilities as Incharge Sub Office Cum Guest House, Jaipur - reg
- Promotion order of Technical Personnel - reg
- Substitute arrangement in absence of Head of office -reg.
- covid 19 endorsement-reg
- 75वे स्वतंत्रता दिवस समारोह के संबंध में
- merit promotion order of shri bheem singh,STA
- Promotion order of Dr. S. Rajapandi, CTO - reg
- Promotion order of Technical Personnel - reg
- Parthenium Hysterophorus Awareness Week from 16-22 August, 2021
- Substitute arrangement in absence of the Director
- Nodal Officer of SAS and CERA - reg
- Superannuation of Sh. Mohd. Anwar Khan, AAO
- Routine duties & responsibilities of DDO-reg.
- Completion of 25 year of Service
- Screening Committee/
Screening Committee/Institute Deputation Committee for screening and recommending Institute’s Scientists & other personnel for foreign training/deputation/Scholarship abroad
- CSWRI के कर्मचारियों /अधिकारियों एवं पेंशनर्स को CGHS दर पर सुविधा उपलब्ध कराने के क्रम मे ।
- Covid-19 Second Dose Vaccination Camp on 25.07.2021 - reg
- Revised cadre strength of Administrative and SSS Category
- Provisional Combined Seniority List of Assistant - reg
- Relieving order in r/o Sh. Neeraj Tanwar, Sr. Administrative Officer - reg
- Order of hand over the charge by Sh. Neeraj Tanwar, Sr. AO--reg.
- Reimbursement of Tution fee under CEAS
- Office Order for VRS in r/o Shri Rukmesh Jakhar, Security Officer-reg
- Order for VRS in r/o Shri Rukmesh Jakhar, Security Officer
- Opening of online transfer module-2021 (phase-I) for ARS Cadre Scientists - reg
- Organizing committee for Celebration of World Zoonosis Day on 6th July, 2021- Reg.
- Granting of advance increments to technical employees of ICAR who opted for Old TSR
- Joining to the post of Senior Administrative Officer in r/o Sh. Neeraj Tanwar, Sr. AO - reg
- Publication of Auction Notice reg.
- Reg. I/c PG Hostel of ICAR-CSWRI
- Grant of 3rd Financial graduation to Sh. R.L. Kalasua, Assistant - reg
- Covid-19 Vaccination (18-44 age) - regarding
- regarding prevention measures to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).
- Reimbursement of Tution fee under CEAS
- Regarding Observance of "World No-Tobacco Day" on 31st May
- Endorsement of Covid guideline date 24-05-21
- Covid - 19 Guidelines of Rajasthan Government date 24-05-21
- Endorsement from ICAR date 24-05-21
- Shifting of Sector No. 14 to Farm Sections and Transfer of Technical Staff -reg
- Inter- Divisional Committee to resolve the various issues of the Division/Sections
- Celebration of Diamond Jubilee Year 2021-2022
- संस्थान में कोविड़ -19 के रोकथाम हेतु दिशानिर्देश -04-05-2021
- Regarding- COVID-19 Guideline
- Covid-19 guidelines endorsement-reg
- Institutional Transfer Committee for scientific staff
- Reimbursement of Tution fee under CEAS
- Covid-19 Guidelines dated 23.04.2021 - reg
- Covid-19 Guidelines date 16-04-2021 - reg
- Weekend curfew in State of Rajsthan due to Covid-19- reg
- Physical Verification of stores for the year 2020-21-reg.
- Relieving order in r/o Dr. Rajani Kumar Paul, Scientist (Animal Bio-Chemistry) - reg
- Duties and Responsibilities as Incharge Farm Section - reg
- Inter-Institutional Transfers of Skilled Support Staff and Technical Staff
- Relieving Order of Dr. Vijay Kumar Saxena, Scientist (Animal Biochemistry) - reg
- Relieving office order of Dr. (Ms.) Shilpi Kerketta, Scientist (LPM) - Reg.
- Young Professional (YP.I,YP-II) Under Non -Plan in Institute - Reg.
- corrigendum Closure of Guest House/PG Hostel/Kisan Hostel - regarding
- Closure of Guest House/PG Hostel/Kisan Hostel - reg
- office order for extension the tenure of Dr.OH Chaturvedi as Head, NTRS Garsa - Reg.
- Celebration of World Water Day on 22.03.2021 - reg
- Reg. sanction order for Newspaper reimbursement
- आत्मधनिर्भर भारत : लोकल के लिए वोकल विषय पर राष्ट्री य संगोष्ठी के आयोजन के संबंध में
- Reg. sanction order for Newspaper reimbursement
- ATR of last IMC Meeting and New Agenda Items for upcoming IMC Meeting - reg
- Temporary advance drawn through Cash Imprest - reg
- Transfer Order of Technical Staff - reg
- Circular for Celebration of International Women's Day as on 8th March, 2021 at this institute -- reg.
- Incharge Vehicle & Workshop Section - reg
- Regarding exercising of option for admissibility of official car or in lieu of that Transport Allowance at higher rates during COVID-19 pandemic
- Coverage under CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 in place for NPS of those Central Govt Employees whose selection for appointment was finalized before 01.01.2004 but who joined Govt service on or after 01.01.2004 - reg
- Celebration of International Day of Yoga - reg
- COVID-19 MHA Guidelines upto 28-02-2021
- Superannuation Order of employees - reg
- Inter Section transfer of Technical Staff - reg
- Endorsement from ICAR- Regulation of Remuneration in case of Contract Appointment of Retired Central Government Employees
- Revised emoluments of YP-I and YP-II w.e.f. 04-12-2020
- duties & responsibilities of Nodal officer ABIC, CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Reimbursement in respect of Newspapers purchased/supplied to officers at their residence-reg.
- Filling up various posts of Technical Assistant (T-3) Category-II through inter-institutional transfer on permanent absorption basis at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar - reg
- Promotion order of Shri Lala Ram Meena, TO
- Celebration of Republic day on 26.01.2021 - reg
- Relieving letter of Dr.Artabandhu Sahoo to join the new assignment of Director, NRC on camel, Bikaner
- reimbursement of cost of "Pulse Oximeter" for the family of COVID-19 positive CS(MA) beneficiaries
- guidelines for Surveillance, Containment and Caution issued vide Ministry of Home Affairs Order of even number dated 25.11.2020, will remain in force upto 31.01.2021
- Celebration of Institute Foundation Day as on 06.01.2021 instead of 04.01.2021
- Celebration of Instt. Foundation day as on 06.01.2021 at 11.00 AM instead of 04.01.2020
- Reimbursement of News Paper-reg.
- duties and responsibilities of AKMU in absence of Incharge, AKMU
- Retirement Order in respect of Dr. R.B. Sharma, CTO - reg
- office order of granting study leave to Sh.Ghous ali, Scientist (Agronomy)
- relieving order for pursue ph.d
- 60th Foundation Day of Institute on 04.01.2021 - reg
- Absence during lockdown period - reg
- Punctuality in the Office - reg
- Reg. Grand of Paternity Leave in r/s of Shri Rameshwar Lal Mandeewal, Ex-SRF
- Transfer order of Technical personnel - reg
- Internal Complaint Committee/Woman-reg
- office order regarding composition of the committee for examine and recommend the application of higher studies
- Executive Committee of Recreation Club
- Transfer an additional duties of technical personnel - reg
- Constitute a Woman Complaint Committee -Reg
- Swachhta Pledge Ceremony - reg
- circular for filling up the one vacant post of JAO--reg
- COVID-19 MHA Guidelines upto 31.12.2020 -reg
- relieving order of Dr.Bahire Saghratna vishanath scientist (Animal Biochemistry)
- Sawachta Pakhwada abhiyan 2020 (16 to 31 Dec 2020)-Reg.
- Annual Immovable Property Return ��� submission of annual return for the year 2020 (01.01.2020 to 31.12.2020).
- Executive Body of Employee Consumer Cooperative Society
- Duties and responsibilities as Incharge and technical assistant of ATIC - reg
- Transfer guidelines of Administrative/Support Staff regarding
- Retirement Order of Dr. Om Prakash, Chief Technical Officer (AFM) - reg
- मुख्य संस्थान में मेनपावर श्रमिकों में कमी करने के क्रम में
- Duties and Responsibilities as Incharge Security Section - reg
- Duties and Responsibilities as InchargeVehicle Section - reg
- Annual increment to Dr.Dushyant Kumar, Scineitst
- opening of online transfer module regarding
- संस्थान राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति का पुनर्गठन संबंधी
- Regarding incom Tax calculation for the F/Y 2020-21
- Order to Sh. Rukmesh Jakhar, Security Officer - reg
- Celebration of constitution day on 26-11-2020
- Relieving order of Dr. Banwari Lal, Scientist (Agronomy) - reg
- PG Hostel and Guest House Reg.
- 2 advance increment of Ph.D. degree to Dr. S.M.K. Naqvi, Ex- Principal Scientist & Former Director - reg
- Incharge of Section/Division in absence of Regular Head/Incharge - reg
- Routine duties and responsibilities of I/C Store & I/c Purchase in absence of regular I/C Store & I/c Purchase on short term/long term basis on leave / tour etc - reg
- Duties & Responsibilities of APAR Seat & Legal Seat - reg
- Routine duties and responsibilities of FAO in absence of regular AFAO on short term/long term basis on leave / tour etc - reg
- Routine duties and responsibilities of I/c Administartion-I Section in absence of regular I/c Administartion-I Section-reg
- Routine duties and responsibilities of DDO in absence of regular DDO on short term/long term basis on leave / tour etc - reg
- Routine duties of Incharge Director in absence of regular Director from head quarter on short-term/long-term basis on C.L./Leave/Tour etc - reg
- regarding 3rd MACPS of Sh, Shrawana Kumavwat, (SSS)
- Superannuation of Dr. Ajay Kumar Sinde, Principal Scientist
- Employee Consumer Cooperative Store Avikanagar - reg
- Tenure Extension Order of Young Professionals - reg
- Redesigning and updating of CSWRI website- reg
- Re-Constitution of Administrative Section Work at Main Institute - reg (3)
- Duties and Responsibilities as Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) & Nodal Officer RTI - reg
- Re-Constitution of various Division/Section Work at Main Institute - reg (2)
- Re-Constitution of Administrative Section Work at Main Institute - reg
- Shifting of Skilled Support Staff to the Security Section - reg
- Quarter allotment record transfer-regarding
- Constitution of Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) Team - reg
- Grant of Advance - Special Festival Package to Government Servants.- reg.(2)
- Grant of Advance - Special Festival Package to Government Servants.- reg. (1)
- अविपुंज के चौदहवें अंक के प्रकाशन हेतु संपादक मण्डल का गठन ।
- Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988-Relaxation to travel by air to visit North East Region, Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir, Union Territory of Ladakh and Andaman & Nicobar Islands-extension beyond 25.9.2020 - reg
- Special cash package equivalent in lieu of Leave Travel Concession Fare for Central Government Employees during the Block 2018-21- reg.
- Allotment of works to Government agencies other than CPWD in ICAR-reg.
- Performance Security in terms of Rule 171 of GFRs 2017 - Guidelines regarding.
- Amendment in General financial Rules (GFRs), 2017 Rule 161 (iv) Global Tender Enquiry -reg.
- Age Appropriate Fitness Protocols - regarding
- Duties & responsibilities as Incharge Extension Section - reg
- Duties & Responsibilities as Incharge, PC Sheep Unit - reg
- Duties and Responsibilities as Incharge Head, AG&B Division - reg
- Duties and responsibilities as Incharge PME Cell - reg
- Duties and Responsibilities of Nodal Officer HRD - reg
- Committee for Swachh Bharat Mission - reg
- Duties as Incharge LPT Section - reg
- Shifted Sh. Afsar Kahn, Senior Technician from Guest House, Jaipur to Main Institute, Avikanagar - reg
- Celebration of World Food Day on 16 October - reg
- सरकारी कामकाज में मूलतः हिन्दी में टिप्पण आलेखन के लिए संस्थान में वित्त वर्ष 2019-2020 के लिए प्रविष्टियाँ आमंत्रण संबंधी ।
- Constitution of Team for Health Camp - reg
- Endorsement from ICAR Regarding Medical Facilities For Retired ICAR employees - Extension of Cashless facility
- Endorsement received from ICAR - reg
- Covid Pledge on dated 14.10.2020 at 10:30 AM - reg
- Incharge of AKM Unit-reg.
- Nodal officer and Co-nodal Officer of SCSP Cell and CWDB Project-reg.
- Incharge of I.E. Unit -reg.
- Incharge of Human Dispensary-Reg.
- Nodal officer of ABI Center-Reg.
- Reconstitution of SCSP Cell-reg.
- Assume the charge of Director Dr. Arun Kumar Tomar at ICAR-CSWRI,Avikanagar
- संस्थान के निदेशक द्वारा संबोधन
- Celebration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on 02.10.2020 - reg
- Endorsement received from Deputy Director (F) - reg
- Joining order of Dr. Shilpi Kerketta, Scientist (LPM) - reg
- Nodal Officer of Schedule Caste Sub Plan (SCSP) Cell - reg
- Duties and Responsibilities of Nodal Officer and Co-Nodal Officer CWDB Project
- Vacancy circular for the post of Joint Director (Form Information) DAC&FW
- Superannuation order of employee on dated 30.11.2020 - reg
- Joining Order of Dr. Rajni Chaudhary, Scientist - reg
- Duties and responsibilities of In charge HRD & Nodal Officer HRD - reg
- Relieving order of Dr. Surendra Kumar Sankhyan, Principal Scientist - reg
- हिन्दी पखवाड़ा समारोह 2020 के संदर्भ में
- अविपुंज संपादक मंडल के संदर्भ में
- grant of Non-Practicing Allowance to the Scientists-fixation of initial pay - reg
- Superannuation order on dated 31.08.2020 - reg
- Joining of Dr. Dushyant Kumar Sharma, Scientist after availing study leave - reg
- Composition of TSP Cell - reg
- Superannuation order of employee on 31.10.2020 - reg
- Covid-19 Guideline - reg dated 20.08.2020
- Allocation of Cash Imprest - reg dated 20.8.2020
- Parthenium Hysterophorus Awareness Week from 16-22 August, 2020
- Sending of requisition of items of capital nature to Purchase Section
- Relieving Order in r/o Dr. Gadekar Yogesh Prabhakar, Scientist - reg
- Relieving order of Dr. Raj Kumar, Senior Scientist - reg
- Celebration of Independence Day in the Auditorium - reg
- हिन्दी में निष्पादित मूल कार्य के वार्षिक विवरण के संबंध में परिपत्र
- Celebration of 74th Independence Day on 15th August, 2020 - reg
- Completion of Probation Period and confirmation of Assistants - reg
- Regarding grant of Momento for completion of 25 year service
- Office Order regarding Appointment under Compassionate Appointment Scheme
- Circular regarding Home Quarantine dated 04-08-2020
- Superannuation of employees on 31.07.2020 - reg
- Home Quarantine of employees along with family - reg
- Office Order regarding Chnadsen Gate of the institute
- Regarding Composition of the IJSC for the term 2020-2023
- Revised Cadre Strength of DR-scientist, DR- Sr. Scientist, DR-Pri. Scientist (including HoD/HoRC/PC) in r/o ICAR-CSWRI
- संस्थान के भेडं एवं खरगोशों पर दिये जाने वाले फीड के क्रम में
- Regarding Superannuation order of employees on 31.08.2020
- Superannuation of employees on 30.06.2020 - reg
- Opening of online transfer module, 2020 for DR- Sr. Scientist [Including Pr. Scientist (CAS)] and DR-Pr. Scientist of ARS cadre from 26.06.2020 to 05.07.2020 - reg
- Celebration of International Day of Yoga on 21st June, 2020 - reg
- Preventive measures to be taken for containment of COVID-19-reg Dated 20-06-2020
- e-ofice implemantation at institute -reg
- Delegation of powers to Directors of Research Institute /NRCs /Project Directors for execution of Civil works in ICAR - reg
- Grant of one additional Home Town LTC conversion to Fresh Recruits to visit UT of Jammu & Kashmir - reg
- Inter-institutional transfer policy of technical personnel in ICAR-reg
- Blacklisting of M/s Shree Laxmi Trading Company at F-2, Mandore Industrial area, Jodhpur, Rajasthan - reg
- Freezing of Dearness Allowance to the Central Government employees and Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners at current rates till July 2021 - reg
- Celebration of International Day of Yoga on 21st June, 2020 (Yoga @ Home)
- SOP on preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 in Offices
- Guidelines for extension of lockdown upto 30.6.2020 in containment Zones and to re-open prohibited activities in a phased manner in area outside containment Zone
- Filling up vacant Administrative Post under different ICAR institutes - reg
- Guidelines for International Relations - reg
- Filling up Vacant various technical posts by transfer on permanent absorption basis-reg.
- Preventive measures to be taken by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India for containment of COVID-19 w.e.f.02-06-2020
- speaking order reg. Incentive of acquiring of Ph. D in respect of S Rajapandi
- speaking order reg. Incentive of acquiring of Ph. D in respect of R B Sharma
- अविपुंज 2020 पत्रिका में प्रकाशित करने हेतु लेख/सामग्री भेजने के संबंध में
- Regarding Leave during Lock down period
- Social Media and E-Krishi Manch - regarding
- Assessment of the Scientist in accordance with the existing career advance scheme - reg
- Duties of caretaker and Extra work allowance - reg
- Regulate the attendance of officers and staff at this institute - reg
- Lockdown measures to contain the spread of Covid-19 upto 31/5/2020-Reg.
- Corrigendum regarding office order F.No.3(351)E/95/Adm.I/VOL.I/1365 dated 17.01.2019
- अनुकंपा के आधार पर नियुक्ति योजना के सम्बन्ध में
- Regarding Appointment under Compassionate Appointment Scheme
- मार्च 20 को समाप्त तिमाही की हिन्दी प्रगति रिपोर्ट का प्रेषण के संबंध में
- Information Regarding to avail services or contact in medical emergency in respect of COVID-19
- Regarding Extension of Young Professionals-I
- O/M- for Preventive measure to Contain the spread of COVID-19 instructions w.e.f. 25.04.2020 Regarding
- Following official will be retired from their servies in the aftenoon of 30.06.2020 from ICAR
- Regarding Dr. Shilpi Kerketta scientist, joining Report at CSWRI Avikanagar through email to the post of Scientist
- O/M- for Preventive measure to Contain the spread of COVID-19 instructions w.e.f. 20.04.2020 Regarding.
- Endorsement for Preventive measure to Contain the spread of COVID-19 Guidelines Received from MHA Order dated -15.04.2020- Regarding
- Opninig online Transfer Module, 2020 From DR Scientist(including Sr. Scientist (CAS) & Pr, Scientist (CAS) of ARS Cadre From 21.04.2020 to 30.04.2020.
- Regarding Recruitment of SRF and YP-II under CWDB project
- Regarding- Guidelines of COVID-19 dated 16.04.2020
- Appointment of Compassionate Ground - Regarding
- Circular Regarding not to leave campus during Lockdown period
- Circular Regarding Arogya Setu App
- Details of revised activity planned on 14th April, 2020.
- Declaration of holiday on 14th April 2020- Birthday Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
- Regarding appointment under Compassionate ground
- Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID19
- Notice For Appointment Under Compassionate Ground Regarding
- Offer to the post of LDC
- Addendum to Guidelines annexed to the Ministry of Home Affairs Order 40-3/3030-DM-(A) dated 24.03.2020
- Regarding For the Apeal one Day Salary Contribution in the PM CARES Fund
- Corrigendum regarding circular f.no. adm.I/2015/vol.2/1150 dated 27.03.2020
- Regarding essential Duties in Avikanagar Campus
- Ministry of home Affairs,Govt of India new delhi order dated 24.03.2020 Regarding guidelines on the measures about COVID-19
- Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID 19, Senior Officers of the institute Committee recommendations dated 23.03.2020
- Regarding prevention measure to contain the spread of Covid-19
- Regarding Quarantine facilities under ICAR
- Office Order Regarding relieving and joining of shri Santosh Kumar,SSS
- Public Health Response to Novel Coronavirus (Covid 19)
- Training Programme on Public Procurement for Government Officers for next year i.e. 2020-21 being conducted by NIFM, Faridabad
- Amendment to Rule 153 of General Financial Rule (GFR), 2017
- Regarding Cases of write off losses during the calendar year 2019
- postponement of Kisan Mela till further orders
- Inter Sectional Transfer of Technical Staff
- Regarding Intra-institutional transfer of Technical Staff & Skilled Support Staff
- Regarding re-constitute the Intra-Institutional Transfer Committee
- समाचार पत्रो में विज्ञापन के संबंध में
- Regarding resignation of Shri Lala Ram Choudhary
- Regarding grant permission enhance emoluments of S.R.F.
- Policy and guidelines regarding printing and distribution of Govt of India diaries and calendars to Ministries/departments/PSUs/ attached and subordinate offices
- Release of pending payment - request for information, guidance and necessary action
- Regarding Promotion to the next higher grade to Shri Ashok Kumar Prasad
- Regarding Superannuation order of Technical Staff on 29.02.2020
- Circular Regarding Indent & Bill
- Regarding Public procurement order 2017
- regarding allotment/Change of quarter at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Regarding Program on Gender Sensitization & Sexual Harassment at work place
- Regarding Promotion to the next higher grade to Shri Ashok Kumar Prasad, Ex-S.T.O.
- Regarding Notifications/ OM issued by the Rajya Sabha Secretariat
- Regarding Reservation for economically weaker sections (EWSs) in direct recruitment in civil posts and services in the Govt. of India
- Regarding GPF (Central Services )etc. interest at the rate of 7.9% w.e.f. 1st January 2020 to 31st March 2020
- Regarding Consolidated guidelines on Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the Central Government Civilian employees
- Regarding Charge of Cashier
- Regarding Procure goods & services from MSEs through GeM Portal
- Regarding Superannuation order of Technical Staff on 31.01.2020
- Office order regarding LEAVE of SRF Shri Ashish Kumar Jain
- Office order regarding LEAVE of SRF Shri Ashish Kumar Jain
- संस्थान के प्रक्षेत्र में हो रहे फार्म उत्पादों की निर्धारित दरों के संबंध में
- Regarding 2 minutes silence on Martyrs Day (Shahid Diwas) on 30 Januray at 11:02 AM
- Regarding Relieving Order in r/o Dr. Krishanappa Balagnur, Scientist
- Regarding 71st Republic Day on 26.01.2020
- Regarding Celebration of 71st Republic Day on 26.01.2020
- Regarding Financial upgradtion to the next higher Grade Pay/ Level of Shri. Badri Lal (SSS)
- Regarding Termination of Job Contract From Servitor Intelligence Services
- Regardng Joined to the post of Senior F&AO in respect of Sh. Karan Singh Tanwar
- Regarding 59th Foundation Day of ICAR-CSWRI
- Submission of Annual Immovable Property Return (AIPR) for the year 2019 (01.01.2019 to 31.12.2019)
- Regarding In-charge PG Hostel, ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Officer Oredr Regarding grant of Study Leave to Shri Seiko Jose, Scientist
- Regarding Swachha Bharat Mission Closing Ceremony on 31.12.2019
- Regarding to GH and RH at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Regarding Ratification of Agenda Item for ICAR-Post Doctoral Fellowship
- दार्शनिक स्थल दादाबाड़ी, मालपुरा में 25.12.2019 को स्वच्छता अभियान के कार्यक्रम के संदर्भ में
- Regarding Speaking Order in r/o Sh. Suresh Chand Dayama, TO (Press & Editorial)
- Regarding Speaking Order in r/o Sh. Jagdish Prasad Meena, ACTO (Hindi Translator)
- Regarding Superannuation order of Technical Staff on 29.02.2020
- Regarding Cancel the Transfer of Sh. Roop Singh, Assistant
- SFC (2017-20) sanction in respect of thematic area "Small Ruminants Production and Technology" for RCE (2017-20)
- Regarding Celebration of "Kisan Diwas" on 23.12.2019
- Regarding Merit Promotion Order of Sh. Suresh Chand Dayama, STA
- Regarding Member Secretary of Swachha Bharat Mission
- Regarding Diffrenet Programmes Under "Swachhta Pakhwada 2019"
- Regarding Relieving Order in r/o Dr. Kalyan De, Scientist
- संस्थान की राजभाषा पत्रिका "अविपुंज " के संपादन के सन्दर्भ में
- Regarding relieving order of Administrative Staff
- Circular regarding Swachhta Pakhwada 2019
- Regarding Nominations under appropriate categories of National Awards for e-governance 2019-20
- Regarding Relieving Order in r/o Dr. G.R. Gowane, Sr. Scientist
- Regarding Relieving Order in r/o Dr. Indrasen Chauhan, Scientist
- Regarding Relieving Order in r/o Dr. Indu Devi, Scientist
- Regarding Constitution Day on 26.11.2019
- Regarding Relieving Order in r/o Dr. Jyoti Kumar, Scientist (Veterinary Microbiology)
- Regarding superannuation of employees on 31.01.2020
- Regarding Interim arrangement of DDO in absence of regular DDO at CSWRI-NTRS Garsa
- Regarding Inter Sectional Transfer of Administrative Staff
- Regarding Celebration of Constitution Day on 26.11.2019
- Office Order Regarding relieving and joining of shri Surendra Singh
- Regarding grant permission enhance emoluments of S.R.F.
- Regarding Intra-institutional transfer of Technical Staff
- Regarding Tour report on ERP (Strictly compliance)
- Regarding Financial upgradtion to the next higher Grade Pay/ Level of Shri K B Bairwa (AAO)
- Regarding Financial upgradtion to the next higher Grade Pay/ Level of Shri. Ram Prasad Mali (SSS)
- Relieving order of Sh. Manish Badola, Assistant for the post of AAO
- Officer order regarding grant of Maternity Leave
- Annual Health Check-up at Hospitals empanelled under CGHS in respect of CGHS Pensioner beneficiaries (Primary Card Holders) aged 75 years and above
- Regarding Routine duties and responsibilities of F&AO in absence of regular F&AO
- Regarding Lifting of the ban on purchase of new vehicles by Ministries/Departments
- Regarding Implementation of PFMS and use of EAT Module up to last level of hierarchy and correction of incorrect mapping
- Regarding Offer order to the post of AAO at ICAR-CSWRI, NTRS Garsa
- Office Order Regarding charge of Director in absence of Director(Act.) at CSWRI,Avikanagar
- Office Order Regarding in Absence of Chief Administrative Officer/Head of Office
- Regarding to Opening of Online Transfer Module
- Circular regarding Rate Contarct of Sigma Aldrich Chemicals
- Office order regarding LEAVEs of SRFs/RAs
- Regarding Inter Sectional Transfer of Administrative Staff
- Regarding superannuation of employees on 31.12.2019
- जुलाई-सितम्बर 2019 तिमाही की राजभाषा विषयक तिमाही प्रगति रिपोर्ट के प्रेषण के संबंध में
- Inter Sectional Transfer of Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO)
- Office order regarding chairman of screening committee/institute deputation committee
- Office order regarding withdraw of the additional responsibility of Head of office
- दिनांक 2 अक्टूबर 2019 को ‘’राष्ट्रपिता’’ महात्मा गांधी की 150वी जयंती के अवसर पर समारोहपूर्वक आयोजन
- Regarding Intra-institutional transfer of Administrative Staff
- Assume the charge of Acting Director Dr. Raghvendar Singh at ICAR-CSWRI,Avikanagar
- Regarding Consolidated instructions for room rent in respect of various types of accommodation of ICAR Guest Houses and Hiring Charges of Conferencing Facilities at NASC Complex
- Regarding Installation of Individual Electrical Metering System in residential quarters in ICAR
- Regarding Procurement of Vehicle
- हिन्दी पखवाड़ा समारोह के सन्दर्भ में
- Regarding Nodal Officer ISO
- Regarding Assessment of Scientist for Promotion
- Regarding Member Secretary of Institute Grievance Committee
- Regarding Inter Section/Division transfer of staff
- Regarding Charge of Director of CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Regarding superannuation of employees on 31.10.2019
- हिन्दी पखवाड़ा समारोह का आयोजन 16 से 30 सितम्बर 2019
- Relieving order of Sh. Harshit Agarwal, Administrative Officer
- Regarding charge of Incharge DPC Section and Incharge Guest House
- Regarding Re-Constitution of Chairman/Member of "Swachha Bharat Mission Abhiyan"
- Regarding revised performance evaluation/score card for promotions/upward movement of ARS scientists under the revised CAS effective from 1.1.2009
- Regarding Inter Section transfer of SS Staff
- अति हानिकारक खरपतवार गाज़र घास के उन्मूलन के सन्दर्भ में
- Regarding Inter Section transfer of Administrative Staff
- Inter Section transfer of SS Staff
- Revision of emoluments and guidelines for Junior Research Fellows (JRFs)/Senior Research Fellows (SRFs) and Research Associates (RAs) working in various schemes of ICAR/ pursuing Ph. D. program
- Office order regrading recommendations of the Departmental Promotion Committee
- Regarding Nodal officer of Public Financial Management System (PFMS)
- Circular Regarding 73rd Independence day
- Circular regarding Revenu stamp, Signig. Date and Physical Verificition
अविपुंज 2019 के प्रकाशन हेतु संपादक मंडल का गठन
- राजभाषा नियम 1976 के नियम 11 के अनुपालन में
- Corrigendum regarding Special Casual Leave for scientists
- Regarding Identity Card of Retired Employees
- Regarding Identity Card of currently working employees
- Regarding Merit Promotion/Assessment of Shri R P Chaturvedi
- Regarding Merit Promotion/Assessment of Shri Nehru Lal Meena
- Office Order regarding DST,Project ARC Bikaner
- Regarding Central Civil Services revised pay rules 2016 to come over to revised pay structure
- Regarding superannuation of employees on 31.08.2019
- Regarding Invite the application for filling up the one post of Asstt. Administrative Officer
- Regarding Merit Promotion of Technical Personnel
- Regarding RTI Transparency Officer
- Regarding CPIO and Nodal Officer of RTI
- Regarding Van Mahotsav 2019
- Regarding Nodal officer for Liasoning Extension Information of the Institute and its regional station
- Regarding Additional Duties to Work to S.C. Dayama
- Regarding Stand relieve order of Sh. Surendra Singh, Tech. Asstt.
- Regarding Swachcha Bharat Mission Abhiyan Committee
- Sh. Surendra Singh technical assistant in Connection with his transfer from CSWRI, avikanagar to ACR Bikaner
- अप्रैल-जून 2019 तिमाही की राजभाषा विषयक तिमाही प्रगति रिपोर्ट का प्रेषण
- राजभाषा गौरव पुरस्कार योजना के संबंध में
- राजभाषा के प्रयोग के संबंध में जांच बिन्दु गठित किये जाने के संबंध में
- Regarding Promotion of Technical Personnel
- Regarding Correction in NPA
- Regarding Chairman and In-charge P.R. Cell
- Regarding Home-guard Driver Staff
- Regarding Purchase of Goods upto the value of 25000/-
- Superannuation of employees on 31.07.2019
- राजभाषा विभाग, भारत सरकार द्वारा जारी वार्षिक कार्यक्रम 2019-20 का अनुपालन
- Regarding Vigilance Officer of ICAR CSWRI
- Regrding HDFC Personal Loan Summer Bonanza Offer
- Regarding implementation of PFMS
- Corrigendum regarding to Intra-institutional transfer of Administrative and Technical Staff
- Regarding Intra-institutional transfer of Administrative and Technical Staff
- Regarding inter sectional transfer of Administrative Staff
- Reg routine duties of Head of Office
- Regarding Duties and Responsibilities of in-charge Human Dispensary
- Regarding Merit Promotion of Technical Personnel
- Regarding NPA to the eligible officers of scientific category
- Regarding all kind of leave in ERP
- Regarding Hindi Translator
- Regarding incharge AKMU
- Regarding Feedback/Review of the Young Professionals (YP-I & II) working at the institutes
- Regarding Account opening in HDFC Bank Malpura
- Regarding relievement of JAO
- Regarding Cash Imprest of Estate and Electric section
- Circular regarding miscellaneous activity in cswri campus
- Regarding Routine duties and responsibilities of Acting Director in absence of regular Acting Director
- Regarding Transfer order of Skilled Support Staff
- Delegation of powers to the Directors of the Institutes in service matters of technical employees belonging to the grade of STO /SMS and above
- Regarding Facility of Telephone facilities and reimbursement to officers at ICAR Hqs
- Regarding Routine duties and responsibilities of FAO in absence of regular FAO
- Regarding Tour Program of Research Management Position Scientist
- Regarding superannuation of employees on 30.06.2019
- Regarding In charge Human Dispensary responsibility
- Regarding Screening committee for foreign training/ deputation/ scholarship abroad of scientist
- Corrigendum regarding to filling up of post of Director(Farm Information)
- Office order regarding to First Appellate Authority
- Revision of allowances of Scientists of ICAR
- Regarding Amendment in ARS Study Leave Regulations
- Regarding foreign deputation reports
- Regarding In-charge and Nodal Officer of HRD Section
- Regarding Duties of Caretaker
- Regarding Central Government General Pool Residential Accommodation Rules 2017
- Regarding Swachhata Oath
- Regarding Farm Machinery and Farm Implement at the institute
- Regarding Transfer Order of Technical Staff
- Regarding Transfer Order of Administrative Staff
- Closing of central govt. offices in connection with election to loksabha state assembly panchayatmunicipalities cooperation or other local bodies
- Regarding Foreign Visit Management System
- Adherence to the guidelines on Air Travel on Government Expenses Purchase of Tickets from Authorized Agent
- Office order regarding to joining of FAO
- Regarding Instruction for processing foreign visits of officers scientist clarification
- Assume the charge of Acting Director Dr. Artabandhu Sahoo at ICAR-CSWRI,Avikanagar
- Represntations from Govt. servant on service matters reiteration of instructions
- Acting charge of the post of Director, CSWRI, Avikanagar - reg
- Appeal on Earth Day 22-04-2019
- Office order regarding to appointment of UDC on the basis of deputation
- Office order regarding to Departmental Promotion Committee
- Regarding Pledge & Quiz on Voter Awareness Forum
- Physical Verification of the store for the year of 2018-19
- SOC Proceedings of SOC held on 02.04.2019
- Regarding Right to Information(RTI)
- Regarding Nodal Officer SCSP Cell
- Regarding Allotment Change of quarter
- Regarding Nodal Officer for creating awareness on Voter Awareness Forum
- Office order regarding to Rights of persons with Disabilities Act,2016
- Regarding Incharge IE Unit
- Regarding In-charge Store & Purchase Section
- Regarding superannuation of employees on 31.05.2019
- Enhancement of existing ceilings for providing financial assistance to the employees of the council from the ICAR Staff Welfare Fund
- Job Contract Extension of G.S. and Company
- Delegation of Powers to the Directors of ICAR Institute
- Regarding PM Live Telecast Detailed Program
- Regarding Working Day on 24.02.2019 & Scientist Farmer Interaction Program
- Regarding Punctuality in Attendance
- Submission of Evaluation form
- Office Order of Shri Subhash Srivastava promation
- Office Order for Scheduled Cast Sum Plan Cell (SCSP)
- Circular Regarding to Special Casual Leave to Scientist officer official
- office order of social media and krishi munch
- office order of promotion
- Regarding 2 minute silence on 30 January at 11:00 AM
- Information Regarding 26 Jan.
- SOC Proceeding of Meeting held on 16.01.2019
- Office order of inter Divisional transfer of technical staff
- Memento Distribution on the ocassion of 26 Jan. 2019 for those who completed 25 years of Service Excellence
- Regarding In charge Animal Health Division and Joining of Dr. S.R. Sharma, Principal Scientist
- Regarding superannuation of employees on 31.03.2019 (Afternoon)
- Job Contract Extension of G.S. and Company From 16.01.2019 to 28.02.2019
- Celebration of 70th Republic Day on 26.01.2019
- Submission of Annual Immovable Property Return (AIPR) for the year 2018 (01.01.2018 to 31.12.2018)
- option for switiching over to the new technical services rules from old technical service rules
- Office Memorandum
- Merging of Horticulture section to Farm Section
- community center
- Incharge PG hostel
- Reg. Security Arrangement
- Transfer of SH. S.R. Sharma (PS) From NTRS, Garsa to CSWRI, Avikanagar - reg
- reg. Refer Slip
- Swachhta Abhiyan Progeamme 16.12.2018 to 31.12.2018
- Availability of option for fixation of pay from the Date of Next Increment
- SOC Proceedings dt 02.11.2018
- Regarding id card
- Priority list of quaters dt 12.11.2018
- Office order promotion of Technical personnel dt 04.11.2018
- Office order promotion of SSS dt 03.11.2018
- Diwali swachhta programme date 05.11.2018
- Office order dated 31.10.2018
- Reg. GST & TDS
- Office order of Shri Prakash Mani Suman
- Regarding Organizing a Grand Function on 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on 2nd October, 2018
- Circular regarding oath ceremony on 02.10.2018 in Swachchta Hi Sewa 2018
- Regarding Sheep Wool and farmers Mela on 29.09.2018
- Regarding Sheep Wool and farmers Mela on 29.09.2018
- Priority list of quaters
- Transfer Guidelines for the Cadres of AO&FAO
- Compassionate appointment
- Regarding PVC ID Card
- Endorsement - Financial implications if the qualifications notified by ICAR
- Swachhta Abhiyaan programme from 15.09.2018 to 02.10.2018.
- cash impress for LPT & Rabbit Section
- Granting of advance increment to technical employees of ICAR consequent to the implementation of recommendations of 7th CPC
- Superannuation order for Sh N.L. Gouttam, Sr. Technical Officer
- Rate List kishan hostel, Guest house Avikanagar, Guest house Jaipur and P.G. Hostel
- Regarding Employee Consumer Cooperative Society
- Half Day Holiday in the afternoon of 17.08.2018 to Pay Homage to Former PM Sh. Atal Bihari Vajpayee
- Relieving office order of Dr. Chandan Prakash, Scientist - reg.
- Regarding to entered the desired information and data on the ICAR portal in HYPM
- Parthenium Awareness Week from 16-22 August, 2018
- Office order of Sh Sanjay Sharma
- Executive Body of Employee Consumer Cooperative Society
- Celebration of 72nd Independence Day on 15th August, 2018 - reg
- Regarding GB meeting on 27.07.2018 at 3.00 PM
- Regarding in charge guest house and coordinator
- Regarding inter sectional transfer of scientific staff
- Grant of Cash Imprest to various Divisions/sections/PIs and sub-stations.
- Grant of Cash Imprest to various Divisions/sections/PIs and sub-stations.
- office order for duties of incharges of VWS, Estate & IEU
- Transfer order of scientist
- Transfer order of scientist & sss
- Dr. S.S. Dangi, Scientist(ani.Phy.) joined this institute on Dt.02-207-18.
- Cadre strength of Administrative, Technical and S.S.S. for Main Institute and Sub-Stations - reg.
- CORRIGENDUM for Final combined seniority list of Assistant up-to 31.03.2018 - regarding
- Final combined seniority list of Assistants upto 31.03.2018.
- Delegation of powers for execution of works, adoption of mannual on policies & procedures for procurement
- Undertaking for Revised Pay Fixation of Scientists
- Office Order for routine duties In absence/tour of Shri Harshit Agarwal, AO - Reg.
- Transfer order for Dr Gauri Jairath, Scientist (LPM)
- Office Order for routine duties In absence/tour of FAO - Reg.
- Regarding Travnling allawance rules
- Regarding Reimbursement of Newspaper purchased to officer at their residence
- Superannuation order for Sh L.C.Raigar, AAO
- Regarding work of Quarter allottment seat to sh. AK Meena, Asstt.
- Regarding merging of ABT in AG&B Division
- Regarding ATIC incharge
- Inter section transfer of Administrative Officers
- Inter section transfer of Administrative staff
- Inter Section transfer of SS Staff
- Regarding announcement for Netaji Subhas- ICAR International Fellowship for the year 2018-19
- Celebration of International Yoga Day on 21.06.2018
- Officer order to Dr.G.G.Sonavane, PS to attand international collaquium at Mexico
- Office order for application of leave of emmployee
- Office oreder for amendment in rates of Kishan hostal/GH jaipur facilities reg.
- Notice for extension to complete online registration for T-1 exam.
- Office order for nodel officer CCTV.
- Regarding Administrative control of sections.
- Superannuation order for Technical employee
- Relieving order of sh. R.A.Sahu to join ICAR-NRC Camel,Bikaner
- Sale of Goat milk
- Joinning of Dr. Vinod Vishnu Kadam, Scientist in TMTC after availing study leave.
- Relieving of Dr.A.K.Patel from the post of Head ARC Bikaner - reg.
- Regarding Monitoring of Payment of penalty in time
- Regarding House Allotment work
- Transfer of Sh Suresh Kumar, CAO from CPCRI to CSWRI in public interest-reg.
- Proposal submission well in advance for external examinar.
- Nodal Officer of CCTV
- Regarding working day on 30.03.2018 (Friday) Most Urgent
- office order for internal transfer of sh Virendra Kumar, PA
- Office order for Incharge Human Dispensary Dr. A.Sahoo.
- Regarding In Charge of Store and Purchase section in absence of regular In charge Shri Neeraj Tanwar
- Sh. Malaram Dhanka, Techn. has jonined CSWRI, Main Office on 12.03.18.
- Regarding approval of GB extending Additional relief in Family pension and Death Gratuity for NPS
- Implementation of e-office
- Office oreder for superannuation of the Employee
- Endorsement regarding the poor performance in implementation of Finance module of ERP & PFMS
- Office order for revised strength of Tech category including sub stations as on 19.02.2018
- Dr G R Gowane Scientist AG&B has attended 11th congress on genetics applied to livestock at Auckland, New Zealand.
- Dr G R Gowane Scientist AG&B has attended 11th congress on genetics applied to livestock at Auckland, New Zealand.
- Dr.G.R.Goawane Scientist has attended world congress at New Zealand.
- Dr.G.R.Goawane, Scientist has attended world congress at New Zealand.
- Dr.G.R.Goawane, Scientist has attended world congress, at New Zealand.
- Dr.G.R.Gowane, Scientist, AG&B has attended '11th congress on genetics applied to livestock' at Auckland, New Zealand.
- Dr.G.R.Gowane, Scientist, AG&B has attended '11th congress on genetics applied to livestock' at Auckland, New Zealand.
- Payment of 2nd and final instalement of 7th CPC arrear.
- Officer order for retirement of sh.ashok
- office order for cashless transaction
- Promotion of less cash economy and to provide facility of seamless digital payments to all citizens of India
- Regarding revise option form in 7th CPC
- Relieving order of sh.P.M. suman to join ARC, Bikaner
- Office order for Incharge HRD and Noder Officer CWDB project.
- Internal Transfe Order of Technical
- internal Transfer order of Scientist
- Internal Transfe Order of Technicals
- Intra institutional transfer of supporting
- Intra institutional transfer of technicals
- Complition of 25 years in ICAR service, Employee will be honour on Republic Day.
- Inter institutional transfer of Smt K.Kangeshwari, Asstt. CSWRI-Mannavanur to SBI Coimbatore.
- Office Order for routine duties In absence/tour of CAO,AO - Reg.
- Programms on Republic Day
- Indtruction for all scientist to furnish the inputs in the field of ER sheet stated in Annexure 'a'
- Office order for retirement of the employee on 31.03.2018
- Reg meeting of Employee co-operative consumer warehouse, Avikanagar on 12.01.2018
- Nominate Secretary, Employee Consumer Cooperative Siciety, CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Transfer order of Scientists
- Holidays for the year 2018.
- Quarterly returns (Jul-Sep 2017) of CSWRI under RTI return information system
- Office Order for routine duties In absence/tour of CAO - Reg.
- Office Order for I/c's of AKMU & Library Section.
- Internal Transfer of Technical Staff.
- Office order for look after the routine duties of acting director.
- Simplification of procedure for treatment at Private Hospitals empanelled under CGHS/CS(MA) rules,1944.
- Office Order for In absence/tour of regular Head/Incharge of Division/Section - Reg.
- Office Order for In absence/tour of regular Head/Incharge of Division/Section - Reg.
- Office Order for I/c Head of Animal Healdh Div.- Dr. F.A.Khan
- Office order for Nodal Officer of ISO -sh. Harshit Agrawal,AO
- Celebrate Constitutional Day on 27-11-2017.
- Nodel Officer of Quami Ekta Week-Incharge HRD
- Joining of Chief Administrator Officer
- Nodal Officer of FMS-MIS,AEBAS,PFMS and HYPM
- MACPs for the central govt. employees- Implementation of 7th CPC recommendations.
- Internal Transfer oreder
- Implementation of PFMS in ICAR Institutes- reg.
- office order for internal transfer of technicals.
- office order for internal transfer of technicals.
- Office order for incharge of Rabbit section.
- Office Order for Incharge vehicle and workshop section
- TSP Nodal Officer
- Cleanness compaign in office permises
- Committee to special drive before diwali make clean and tidy offices.
- GST for Institute Products
- Screning committe for recommendation of applications of Scientist/other officers
- Reg. Aadhar No. of Employees and Officers
- Rivision of flat rate of licence fee for general pool residential accomodation
- Office order to sh.Ranjeet Singh, ACTO nominate to assist I/c Guest House, Jaipur
- Annual signature in service book
- Extra benefit to women employee with disabilities when they have children.
- Fill the service details in the ERP module within FIVE days of Scientific cadre.
- Clarification on procedure for booking of air-tickets on LTC
- All office orders/circulars/memorendam/note etc further uploaded on institute webpage and employee emails
- Guidelines on LTC issued by Govt. of India from time to time reg.
- Meeting Employee Cooperative Store dt.26.09.17
- Seventh pay Commission grant of Childern Education Allowance
- Circular 18.09.2017
- Circular 18.09.2017
- Programme list for Swachhata Hi Sewa
- Circular 16.09.2017
- Swachhata Hi Seva 16.09.2017
- Swachha Hi Seva
- Grant of Extra Work Allowance
- Change of Incharge ABT- Dr.R.C.Sharma
- Rates for Guest house
- Swachh Bhrat Mission activities by nodel officermembers
- Circuler for working day of sunday 06.08.2017
- Office order for appointment of SRF & RA
- Revision of the APAR format for various Scientific positions
- Joining DR Rang Lal Meena
- Nodal Officer ERP system
- Minutes of Vigilance REview Meeting which was held on 08.07.2017
- Seventh Pay allowances
- Economy in use of papers, restricting expenditure towards adv. charges etc.
- Clarification on LTC to central Govt. employee traveled by STDC or IRCTC
- Office order for Nodal officer for Social Media & e-krishi manch
- Office Order- TSP Cell Merge in TOT&SS
- Office Order- Change of incharge PG Hostal
- On line transfer cycle for ICAR Scientist
- Circular for AEBAS dt. 08.05.2017
- Circuler for online Tender (ERP System)
- Office Order for use of Email with ICAR domain for official communication
- Transfer Order & Joining Ah Ygiraj Meena. STO
- To send Monthely absentee statement with AEBAS monthly report of the staff duly verified to DDO from April'2017.
- Transfer order of Dr Vedamurthy GV
- Transfer order of Dr G.L. Bagdi
- Office Note for RA & SRF
- Office Order for Hand over charges of TOT&SS
- Transfer order of Sh Roop Chand Balai , Scientist
- Sardar Patel Outstanding ICAR Institute Award 2012
- Endorsement Option for Transport allowance
- Office Order Sh T N Sharma, TO hand over the Charges to SH S.R Meena, ACTO
- Office order FOR DPC merged with ADM1
- Transfer order of Sh Yogi Raj Meena, STA
- Transfer order of Shri Laxmi Chand AAO
- Circular for any kind of leave 17.03.2017
- Registration on AEBAS
- Endorsement 7th pay
- Option form
- Circular 23.01.2017
- Declaration of Assets & Libilities
- Nodal Officer (MIS/FMS)
- Holiday Corrigendum
- Holydays 2017
- Promotion of payment through cards and digital means
- To consider gifting Khadiand village industries products during festivasl season - reg.
- Id.Milad.unabi Holiday on 12 Dec 16
- Okay Diagnostic Research Centre, Jaipur
- Option for transfer
- Constitution Day
- Salary advance for the month of Nov., 2016-reg.
- Digitalization of land records in ICAR Institute
- Endorsement for Rashtriya Ekta Diwas
- Issuance of ordinary passport to Govt. Servants-Reg.
- Guidelines fir Intra-Institutional transfer - reg.
- Reg.Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988 ��� Relaxation to travel by air to visit NER, J&K and A&N.
- Circular for Cleanliness Pledge on 02.11.2016 at 8.00 AM
- Office order for swachhta Pakhwada
- Office Order for DR G.L. Bagdi, Incharge TOT&SS
- Guidelines inter institutional Transfer of Technical Service employees of ICAR
- Guidelines inter institutional Transfer of Administrate/Support staff of ICAR
- Office order for Swachhta Pakhwada 02.10.2016 to 16.10.2016
- Endorsement for the panel of experts in VCI, New Delhi
- Circular abount Option form dt 29.08.2016
- Circular for AEBAS
- Office order
- Office Order for PG Hostel
- Women Complaint Committee
- Circular for option form
- Circular for Swachh Bharat Mission
- Circular for medical facility for Retire employee
- Circular for Eradication of parthenium, cleaning and plantation at CSWRI campus
- Circular for AAO post (Corrigendum)
- Circular for AAO post
- Circular for Establishment and Administration Manual
- Guidelines and proceedure to be followed by scientific/technical staff who are intrested to apply for higher studies.
- Inter-Institutional Transfer of Scientist
- Circular for conduct of viva-voce examination of ph.D students
- Circular for Id-ul-fitr holiday
- Clarification on Holiday of 6.7.2016
- Transfer order of Dr Indrasen Chauhan
- Official Email IDs of CSWRI Staff
- Nodal Office for Unified Email Solution at CSWRI Avikanagar
- Common written examination for filling up positions of Technical Assistant (T-3) in the ICAR Institute
- Office Order 06.06.2016
- Office Order 06 June 2016
- Circular dt 02.06.2016
- Office Order 31.05.2016
- Office Order 27.05.2016
- Office Order 26.05.2016
- Circular MISFMS
- Circular 18.03.2016
- Office Order 17.03.2016
- Office Order date 15-03-2016
- Revised Guidelines for ICAR Fellowships for Post graduate Studies
- Guidelines for Centralized Admission to Doctoral Degree Programmes
- Distribution of work in Estate Section
- Working day on 01.11.2015 (Sunday)
- Importent Circular dt. 23.10.2015
- Office Order 17.10.2015
- Seniority list of Quarters
- Appeal Swachchhata Misan
- Circuler Swachchhata Misan
- New designation of technical staff
- ICAR International Fellowship 2015-16
- Note dated 20.05.2015
- Office Order Dt 24.04.2015
- Office Order dated 24.04.2015
- Circular for wi-fi 7.02.2015