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- purely on contractual basis to work under “Wool Profile of Indian Sheep Breeds” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- extension of closing date for submission of applications & related documents for the selection of Young professional-Il (01)
under externally funded project titled "NP-GET"
- Development of coarse wool -antural rubber green composites and its product development at ICAR-CSWRI, AVIKANAGAR
- Conservation and improvement of indigenous sheep for augmenting production at NTRS, ICAR-CSWRI, Garsa Kullu (HP)
- Development of coarse wool-natural rubber green composites and it'st
product development (Wool-NR)
- Date extension for filling up application form of YP-II under NP-GET Project-reg.
- Notification regarding engagement of YP-II under NP-GET Project at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Notification regarding engagement of Senior Research Fellow (SRF), purely on contractual basis to work under "Wool Profile of Indian Sheep Breeds" at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Notification regarding engagement of YP-II under AINP-AMR Project at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Recruitment of YP-I (IT) at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Format for Applications of engagement of 01 (One) Senior Research Fellow (SRF) purely on contractual basis to work under “Agri Business Incubation Project” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Applications for engagement of 01 (One) Senior Research Fellow (SRF) purely on contractual basis to work under “Agri Business Incubation Project” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Application of YP-2 Under project Titled “Indian Network for Fisheries and Animal Antimicrobial Resistance (INFAAR) Project”
- Applications for engagement of 01 (One) YP-II, purely on contractual basis to work under National Technical Textiles Mission (NTTM)
- vacancy for of the post JRF
- Filling up the post of Lower Division Clerk in the Pay Level 02 of 7th CPC pay matrix (6th CPC Pay Band -1 Rs. 5200-Rs.20200 + GP Rs 1900) under Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) Quota at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar - reg
- Demo
- Application format for Post of YP-II,under project “Development of innovative approaches for extensive application of estrus synchronization & Artificial Insemination techniques in sheep”
- Advertisement for the post of YP-II, on contractual basis to work under project “Development of innovative approaches for extensive application of estrus synchronization & Artificial Insemination techniques in sheep”
- Advertisement for the post of JRF under DST Project
- Application Form for JRF Under "chain reaction (RT-PCR) based detection and qualification of animal fibers from textile materials” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Application Form for YP-2 Under Project Titled “CRP project on Agro biodiversity (Externally funded Project)” at ICAR-CSWRI,
- Application Form for YP-2 Under Project Titled “Coarse Wool Keratin Nanofiber preparation and its
application in Meditech ” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Application for JRF Under "chain reaction (RT-PCR) based detection and qualification of animal fibers from textile materials” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Application for YP-2 Under Project Titled “CRP project on Agro biodiversity (Externally funded Project)” at ICAR-CSWRI,
- Application for YP-2 Under Project Titled “Coarse Wool Keratin Nanofiber preparation and its
application in Meditech ” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Recruitment of YP-I (IT) at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Recruitment of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under “National Livestock Mission (Department of Animal husbandry & Dairying)” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Recruitment of YP-II under “National Livestock Mission (Department of Animal husbandry & Dairying)” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Recruitment of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under “Wool Profile of Indian Sheep Breeds” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Recruitment of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under “National Livestock Mission (Department of Animal husbandry & Dairying)” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Application Form for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under “Agri Business Incubation Project”
- Application Form for the post of YP-II under “Wool Profile of Indian Sheep Breeds”
- Application Form for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under “Wool Profile of Indian Sheep Breeds”
- Application Form for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under “National Livestock Mission (Department of Animal husbandry & Dairying)”
- Application Form for the post of YP-II Under “National Livestock Mission (Department of Animal husbandry & Dairying)”
- Recruitment of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under “Agri Business Incubation Project” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Recruitment of YP-II under “Wool Profile of Indian Sheep Breeds” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Recruitment of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under “Wool Profile of Indian Sheep Breeds” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Recruitment of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under “National Livestock Mission (Department of Animal husbandry & Dairying)” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Recruitment of YP-II under “National Livestock Mission (Department of Animal husbandry & Dairying)” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- cancellation note regarding personal interview of INFAAR Project
- Google Form Link for Advertisement No.F.No. Adm.II/ABI/SRF/2022/ Recruitment of SRF under “Agri Business Incubation Project” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Google Form Link for Advertisement No. F.No. Adm.II/INFAAR/YP-II/2022/ Recruitment of YP-II under “Indian Network for Fisheries and Animal Antimicrobial Resistance (INFAAR) Project” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Recruitment of YP-II under “Indian Network for Fisheries and Animal Antimicrobial Resistance (INFAAR) Project” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Recruitment of SRF under “Agri Business Incubation Project” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Google Form Link for Advertisement No. F.No. Adm.II/CRP/YP-II/2022/ -Recruitment of YP-II under “CRP project on Agro biodiversity (Externally funded Project)” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Recruitment of YP-II under “CRP project on Agro biodiversity (Externally funded Project)” at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Reg. YP-II Advertisement No. ARC/CSWRI/I/2022
- Filling up various vacant posts of Technical Assistant (T-3) Category-II through inter-institutional transfer on permanent absorption basis at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Filling up the following Administrative posts on promotion/Inter Institutional Transfer or permanent absorption basis at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar & its regional stations - reg
- Filling up of vacant posts of Assistant against DR vacancies by Inter-Institutional Transfer
- advertisement for engagement of YP-II.
- Extension of last date for filling up various vacant posts of Technician (T-1) Category-I through inter-institutional transfer on permanent absorption basis at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Advertisement for vacant position of YP-2 & Medical Officer advertisement no CSWRI/06/2021 – regarding
- Result of SRF Interview dated 25.11.2021- reg
- Result of Medical Officer Interview as on 12-11-2021 (on contract basis) - reg.
- Filling up various vacant posts of Technician (T-1) Category-I through inter-institutional transfer on permanent absorption basis at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- advertisement for vacant position of SRF – regarding
- advertisement for vacant position of Medical Officer on contractual basis – regarding.
- Written test cum Walk in interview for the post of Young professional-2 at ICAR-CSWRI,NTRS Garsa (CSWRI/NTRS/02/2021)
- Written test cum Walk in interview for the post of YP-I and SRF Adv. No. CSWRI/02/2021 -Reg.
- Cancellation note of YP-II post- reg
- Reg. YP-1 interview schedule Advertisement No. ARC/CSWRI/1/2021
- Written test cum Walk in interview for the post of YP-II CSWRI/NTRS/01/2021 -Reg.
- Walk in Interview Advertisement No. ARC/CSWRI/1/2021
- Advertisement for vacant position of (CSWRI/01/2021) - reg
- Filling up various vacant posts of Technical Assistant (T-3) Category-II through inter-institutional transfer on permanent absorption basis at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Filling up various posts of Senior Technical Officer (T-6) Category-III through inter-institutional transfer on permanent absorption basis at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Postponement of written test cum Walk in interview at ICAR-CSWRI ARC Bikaner
- Postponement of YP-I interview at SRRC - reg
- Postponed of Written test cum Walk in interview for the post of YP-II CSWRI/NTRS/01/2021 -Reg.
- Revised Advertisement for vacant post of Young Professionals (ARC/CSWRI/ 01/2021)- reg
- Postponement of Written Test Cum Walk In Interview of YP's (CSWRI/ 01/2021) - reg
- Advertisement for vacant post of Young Professionals (ARC/CSWRI/ 01/2021)- reg
- Revised Advertisement for vacant post of Young Professionals (CSWRI/ 01/2021)- reg
- Advt- SRRC/01/2021 -Young Professional -I at SRRC, Mannavanur- Notification
- Advertisement for vacant post of Young Professionals (CSWRI/ 01/2021)- reg
- Adv. no. CSWRI/NTRS/01/2021 For Post Of Young Professional II
- filling up the (15) post of UDC by deputation/transfer at CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Filling up of one vacant post of Private Secretary on deputation basis at CSWRI, Avikanagar ��� regarding
- Filling up of the vacant post of Junior Accounts Officer on promotion/ permanent absorption basis at CSWRI, Avikanagar ��� regarding.
- Reg. JRF interview Advt. No. ARC/CSWRI/1/2021
- Filling up various posts of Technical Assistant (T-3) Category-II through inter-institutional transfer on permanent absorption basis at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar - reg
- Advertisement for vacant position (CSWRI/10/2020) - reg
- Advertisement (CSWRI/08/2020) for the post of SRF at ICAR-CSWRI,Avikanagar
- circular for filling up the one vacant post of JAO--reg
- advertisement for vacant position of SRF Advertisement No. CSWRI/07/2020 - reg
- Filling up vacant post of different categories by deputation/permanent absorption basis - reg
- advertisement for vacant position of Young Professional-II advertisement no. CSWRI/06/2020
- Detailed Information Regarding Advertisement No. ARC/CSWRI/I/2020 for post of Young Professional
- Advertisement No. ARC/CSWRI/I/2020 for post of Young Professional
- Postponement of YP-II interview at ICAR-CSWRI NTRS Garsa
- additional information regarding YP-I & YP-II interview at ICAR-CSWRI NTRS Garsa- reg
- Regarding interview postpond till further orders Adv.No. CSWRI/04/2020
- Regarding engagement of YP-I & YP-II on contractual basis at ICAR-CSWRI, NTRS, Garsa advertisement no CSWRI/NTRS/01/2020
- Interview in reference to Advertisement No:CSWRI/02/2020-Reg.
- advertisement for vacant position of SRF advertisement no. CSWRI/04/2020
- Advt.No.CSWRI/4/2020 Walk in interview for engagement of One Medical Officer on contractual basis
- Regarding Advertisement CSWRI/02&03/2020
- Regarding engagement of YP-I & YP-II on contractual basis at CSWRI, Avikanagar advertisement no CSWRI/03/2020
- WALK-IN-INTERVIEW for engagement of vacant position's on contractual basis at ICAR-CSWRI,Avikanagar
- Recruitment of JRF on contractual basis at CSWRI, Avikanagar advertisement no CSWRI/01/2020
- Recruitment of JRF on contractual basis at CSWRI, Avikanagar advertisement no CSWRI/13/2019
- Recruitment of SRF on contractual basis at CSWRI, Avikanagar advertisement no CSWRI/12/2019
- Advt.No.CSWRI/2/2019 Walk in interview for engagement of One Medical Officer on contractual basis
- Filling up of vacant post of JAO at CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Walk in interview for JRF on 10th june 2019 at ARC Bikaner
- Advertisement For The Post of SRF
- Regarding result of Technician/T-1 exam 16.03.2019
- Extension of closing date to invite application on the vacant post of UDC by promotion/deputation basis at CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Result for Technician/T-1 Exam next waitlist candidate
- Advt.No.CSWRI/1/2019 Walk in interview for engagement of One Medical Officer on contractual basis
- Advertisement For The Post of Young Professional-1 on Contractual Basis at CSWRI ARC, Bikaner
- Filling up of vacant post of UDC by promotion/deputation basis at CSWRI, Avikanagar- reg
- Filling up of vacant post of Assistant by promotion/deputation basis at CSWRI, Avikanagar- reg
- Result of T-1
- Notice-Lower Division Clerk (LDC) DR-Exam-2016 for ICAR Institute holding of Skill (Typing) Test
- Result Notice of the Technical Assistant (T-3) Examination 2016
- Adv.No.CSWRI/7/2018, walk-in-interview on 30.6.18 for engagement of Medical Officer on contractual basis at CSWRI
- Notice for extension to complete online registration for T-1 exam.
- List of applicant who appeared in the T-1 Exam held on 04.09.2016
- Advertisement No. CSWRI/06/2018
- Cancellation Notice for Technician (T1) Examination 2016 held on 04.09.2016
- Corrigendum in Adv.No.CSWRI/05/2018 to change the title of scheme/Project mentioned in Sl.No.2.
- Advertisement No. CSWRI/05/2018
- Advt.No.CSWRI/042018, walk in interview for Young Professional on contractual basis.
- Advertisement No.CSWRI/03/2018, walk in Interview for SRF on dt. 06.03.2018 and 08.03.2018.
- Declaration of results of Technical Assistant (T-3) Exam. Conducted by ASRB- 2016
- Advertisement No. CSWRI/02/2018
- Adv.No.CSWRI/1/2018, walk-in-interview on 22.2.18 for engagement of Medical Officer on contractual basis at CSWRI
- Filling up of vacant post UDC(15) by promotion/deputation/transfer on permanent absorption at CSWRI
- advertisement No.CSWRI/14/2017 walk-in interveiw for SRF on 24-01-2018
- Advertisement No.CSWRI/13/2017, walk in Interview for JRF, last date 06.01.2018.
- Advt. No. CSWRI/12//2017 for Medical Officer, Walk-in on 20-12-2017.
- Advertisement No.ARC/CSWRI/01/2017 for young profesional walk in on 15.12.17.
- Advertisement No.CSWRI/NTRS/01/2017 for young profesional walk in on 12.12.17.
- Advertisement No.CSWRI/11/2017, walk-IN for SRF & Young Professional on 30.11.17.
- Filling up of one post of Assistant on transfer basis
- Advertisement No. CSWRI/10/2017 Dt 31.10.2017
- Advertisement No. CSWRI/08/2017 Notice
- Addedment in respect of Advertisement No.CSWRI/06/2017
- Advertisement No.CSWRI/06/2017
- Notice for registration of applicants (old) for online examination for the post of lower division clerks in ICAR Institute - 2016
- Advertisement No. CSWRI/04/2017
- Filling up of one post of Assidtant at CSWRI on transfer bisis
- Advertisement No CSWRI/2/2017
- Advertisement No CSWRI/03/2017
- Result of adv no CSWRI/01/2017 dt 18.03.2017
- Advertisemant No. CSWRI/01/2017
- Results for walk in interview on 27.12.2016
- Walk-in-interview for SRF-RA on 27-12-16
- Advertisement no. CSWRI/07/2016
- Advertisement No. CSWRI/06/2016
- ADVERTISEMENT FOR POST OF One Young Professional-1
- Advertisement No. CSWRI/05/2016
- Advertisement No. CSWRI/04/2016
- Instruction for preference of T-1 examination 2016
- preference formate fot T-1 examination 2016
- Instructions for Candidate for examination of T-1
- Notice (List of Non Eligible candidate for the Common Written Examination with Reasons) for the post of T-1
- List of eligible condidates for common written examination for the post of Technician (T-1)
- Advertisement No. CSWRI/03/2016
- Advertisement No.CSWRI-02-2016
- Corrigendum advt.cswri-01-2016
- Advertisement CSWRI-01-2016
- New Corrigendum Adv CSWRI 11-2015
- Corrigendum Adv CSWRI-11-2015
- Advertisment CSWRI-11-2015
- Advt CSWRI-10-2015
- Cancellation Notice
- Filling of Director post at Central Sheep Breeding Farm at Hisar in PB3
- Advt CSWRI-09-2015
- Corigendum
- Advt CSWRI-08-2015
- Advertisement CSWRI-07-2015
- Adv No CSWRI-06-2015
- Advt-04-2015
- Advertisement cswr-2-2015
- Advertisement_Medical officer
- Advtisement no. CSWRI-01-2015
- Avertisement No CSWRI-16-2014
- Advt-04-2014-SRRC Mannavanur
- Advt-04-2014-NTRS Garsa