BackClosing ceremony of training program on woollen handicrafts for rural women
One week training program on woollen handicraft product development for rural women from nearby villages was organized at the institute from November 15-21, 2013. Er. K KGoyal, Executive Director, Central Wool Development Board, Jodhpur (Ministry of Textile, Govt. of India) presided over valedictory function as a chief guest. Dr. S. M. K. Naqvi, Director, CSWRI welcomed the chief guest. In the welcome address Dr. D. B. Shakyawar, I/c TMTC and Program Director informed about the activities conducted under the training program. In the presidential address Dr. S. M. K. Naqvi appreciated efforts made by the division and stressed upon to run the training activity round the year for the benefit of the wool growers and artisans. He also elaborated on current scenario of wool and possibilities of better prospective in the wool sector. Er. K KGoyal appreciated the program and ensured all the necessary support from the board for future activities. Certificates were distributed to all the participants by Chief Guest. On this occasion Dr. A. Sahoo, Dr. R. Gulyani, Dr. A.K. Shinde, Dr. R. C. Sharma, Dr. S. C. Sharma, Dr. F. A. Khan, etc. were present. The vote of thanks was proposed by Er Vinod Kadam, Scientist, TMTC and HRD section. The function was coordinated by Mr. M L Gupta, Director (official language).