BackFree Sirohi animal distribution programme to BPL Scheduled Caste (SC) goat farmers under Sirohi goat project - SCSP component (AICRP) on 29.11.2022
A free animal distribution programme was organized at Sirohi goat sector, ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar on 29.11.2022. Eight goat farmers from Scheduled Caste (SC) community belonging to the Below Poverty line (BPL) from village Chandsen were freely distributed with a total of 16 genetically improved Sirohi goats (15 females and 1 male) under the Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan (SCSP) component of Sirohi goat project (ICAR-AICRP on goat improvement). Seven farmers who were earlier given one Sirohi male each were now provided with two females each and one newly added farmer was given one male and one female. The programme was organized under the Chairmanship of Dr. Arun Kumar, Director, ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar who highlighted the important features and advantages of goat farming over rearing of other animals, particularly large ruminants. He emphasized that the farmers can improve their socioeconomic status by earning their livelihood through rearing of true to breed Sirohi goats given from ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar and adopting the improved breeding, feeding, healthcare and general management technologies/strategies developed by the Institute. When the Institute is always proactive and coming forward to help the poor marginalized farmers, he reminded the farmers to actively and effectively play their part also to take full advantage of the Institute located just in their neighbourhood. The programme was attended by Dr. Ajay Kumar, Nodal Officer, SCSP Cell; Dr. L. R. Gurjar, Incharge, TOT&SS; Dr. S.M.K. Thirumaran, Co-PI, Sirohi goat project (AICRP), beneficiary farmers, their family members and all goat sector staff. The programme was coordinated by Dr. S.S. Misra, Principal Investigator, Sirohi goat project (AICRP).